; SUMMA 21: Does Life Have A Purpose?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Does Life Have A Purpose?


Every life has a purpose. In the greater scheme of things, we can participate in the spiritual energy of the Cosmos.  This in itself gives our lives purpose.

When we open our hearts to sincere prayer, enter deep meditation, perform an unselfish act of compassion, express our genuine love for another human, or perform any act or have any thought that connects us with the spiritual energy of the Cosmos, we are giving our life purpose.

But there is more. God may select us to help him. We become the physical instrument that enables what he wants to accomplish. The adoption of a child that needs love, education, and direction. Helping to revitalize the mission of our church. Joining with others to insist the institutions of Government espouse and practice Christian values. And on and on. Although there is much to be done, the timing of our participation is up to God. It may be while we are young, much later in life, or a continuous counsel.

And of course, as individuals we are welcome and encouraged by God to discover a purpose for our life. Perhaps a new purpose every day. An act of compassion or love. Cheerfully doing the chores that help to make our home a happy place.

In this effort, we must, each one of us, place our trust in God and find our own way.

From Summa 21:

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
If our gift is prophesying, let us use it to enlighten.
 If our gift is serving, let us serve with grace.
If our gift is teaching, let us teach the truth.
If our gift is healing, let us heal with love.
If our gift is helping others, let us give generously.
If our gift is leadership, let us govern with integrity.
If our gift is showing mercy, let us do it cheerfully.

Unfortunately, all to many humans choose to sever their connection with the spiritual energy of the cosmos. Drugs, depression, criminal behavior, arrogance. Life assumes a negative, destructive and callous purpose. Too often the end result is death.

What a shame. This is not the way to spiritual salvation. Let us avoid the path of self-destruction. A loving God encourages us to live a positive, constructive, compassionate and productive life.

Let us therefore embrace God’s values and connect with the spiritual energy of the Cosmos.  From Summa 21:

Let us be humble in our beliefs. In truth, most of us are pursuing the same quest. We want to be sure life has meaning. We search for a truth that is greater than ourselves, even if we are unable to fully comprehend the meaning of our discovery.

Of course life has purpose. Discovery begins with spiritual awareness.


